Friday 21 August 2020

A Surprise Sabine's

After yesterday's Little Stint I thought I would go back to Whiteness Bay for the early high tide. Still plenty of Dunlin, Ringed Plover and Sanderlings but just as I was leaving a small dark headed Gull caught my eye in the distance. I took a couple of shots with the P950 and was about to try and get some digiscope shots of it when it was off. However the photo's were conclusive. Dark hood, Dark legs and Bill, dark grey mantle and black primaries it was an adult Sabine's Gull. Very pleased to have got views of one on the ground and even happier that I had the long zoom of the P950 to help me prove it.

Autumn's Here


Little Stint, Whiteness Bay, 15/8/20

Checking out the returning waders at Whiteness on a lovely warm, quiet evening at Whiteness and among the multicoloured Dunlins, Sanderling and hundreds of Ringed Plovers was a Little Stint. Never a common bird in the highlands the last one I saw was a dot in the distance at Alturlie so it was nice to connect with one that let me get a bit closer.

A Surprise Sabine's

After yesterday's Little Stint I thought I would go back to Whiteness Bay for the early high tide. Still plenty of Dunlin, Ringed Plover...